Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Back ups

Backing up is so often overlooked until it is too late...

If your computer or laptop were stolen or lost... what would you lose?
For most people, it is a disaster, especially if they are keen photographers. To lose all your photos is a tragedy.
It is therefore vital to keep a backup somewhere that can't be lost or stolen.

There are many ways to back up- onto CD rom or DVD, onto an external hard drive- many of these back up automatically- but could be stolen if your computer goes walkabout, or online.
I favour all 3- a belt and braces approach!

I have recently backed up my whole hard drive to an online backup service called Carbonite.
This saves all my data in cyberspace and can never be lost or stolen. It costs £50 a year and backs up my computer continuously. There is no limit to how much can be uploaded, unlike many other online backup services. It took a very long time, but I can now relax!