Tuesday, 16 January 2018

New Year’s resolutions

Hope that you have all had a great Christmas and New Year.   It’s so refreshing to take a break from work, technology and screens to see friends and family.  Technology seems to have encroached a lot in my life, and I have begun wondering if it’s always a good thing.

Our family are great fans of board games and jigsaw puzzles.  It is a relaxing way to spend time together.  There is also nothing better than a winter walk, all wrapped up against the cold.   I have always preferred to read a book rather than watch TV.  My best memories don’t involve a screen or computer.  It’s not to say that I don’t enjoy my job!  The best bit about what I do is meeting and helping people.  Face to face interaction is so important in our lives.

In a world where everyone seems busier, and people multitask all the time for example texting while walking; I wonder if it’s good for you to be so glued to a screen, whatever size it is.  When I see couples having dinner in a restaurant and both of them are engaged with their mobile phones, and scarcely talking, or people almost being run over because they are so unaware of their surroundings.  It makes me think about technology and it’s impact on our lives.  Perhaps it is not always a good thing.

A few times recently I have left my phone at home, albeit accidentally, when going out.  I didn’t miss having it, and there was nothing momentous that needed my attention when I returned.  I felt that I could focus more on the moment without a phone to distract me. 

If you were looking for a new Year’s resolution, and hadn’t thought about what you could do differently this year, you could try having time away from a screen.  Leave your phone behind at times, or turn it to silent.  Maybe even turn off the Wi-Fi at home for a period of time or have a day off technology every week.  It’s worth a thought.

Another good resolution would be to do some housekeeping on your devices.  It is a really common problem to run out of storage on phone, tablet and computer because they contain too much stuff.   It is pretty boring, but you can clean them up by deleting anything you don’t need.  We take so many photos on our phones, and they take up a lot of space, so that would be the first thing I would suggest that you attend to.  Make sure that they are backed up, wherever you keep your photos, but don’t keep so many on your phone.  Move them to a cloud based storage area, onto a computer or external drive.  You can also clean up any apps that you aren’t using.

Deleting old emails is another way of clearing space on your devices.  On laptops you can also clear out any documents you no longer need, delete your downloads, remove any programmes you aren’t using and empty your bin.

Many of my clients are stressed out by their technology because they don’t feel in control of it.  I hope that I can make a difference by demystifying what they see, explaining it, so that they can relax and feel more confident with what they are doing.  There are many shortcuts that can be put in place to make the experience less troublesome.  Passwords cause more problems than anything else.  My last suggestion for a new year’s resolution is to ensure that all passwords are written down in a safe place.  The most important ones are the password to unlock your device, the one for your email, and if you are an Apple user, your Apple ID.

Wishing you all a happy new year and stress free computing.