Friday, 28 December 2012

Google Maps and IOS 6 update for iPhone and iPad

Delighted that I can update my iPhone 4S to the latest operating system now that I can download Google Maps (for free as well- even better)
Prior to this I had held off from the update as I didn't want to be forced to use Apple Maps.  I like Google Maps and was pretty annoyed that the latest update deleted it and forced Apple Maps onto me- incredible!
There are some interesting new features to the new operating system- one of the best things is that I can now see all my flagged emails in one place.
I now also have an app called Passbook for boarding passes, tickets, vouchers and store cards.
Podcasts are now separate from iTunes and music, and I have an app to subscribe to iTunes courses, called iTunes U  and another called Find Friends.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Free engraving for iPod or iPad

Apple offer to engrave your Apple iPad or iPod for free

Apple offer free engraving on all their products.  Beware however, as you will not be able to return or exchange your item if it is unsuitable!  The resale value is also affected.  Also you will cover up the engraving if you use a protective case!  My advice is not to bother!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Windows 8 has been released!

Take a look at the Microsoft website

Windows 8.  A new Microsoft Operating System.

This article is rather a departure for me!  I don’t usually claim to be technical, and my strength is in teaching.  On the other hand, it is important not to get left behind where technology is concerned and I am really interested in keeping up with the times.  A new operating system is always a challenge for me as I have to learn it, in order to be able to teach it. 

Microsoft are launching Windows 8, their brand new operating system for laptops and computers this autumn.  Windows 8 will look radically different from all other Windows operating systems.   It follows on from Windows 7, which works so well and is so much better than the operating system before: the disastrous Vista.   XP is even older but is a brilliant operating system still used and loved by many, and not necessarily on old computers!  It is so popular that people buy new computers and load an old operating system on them!  Looking back in operating system history, I wonder if there is a pattern… of a good followed by a terrible new operating system?!

Windows 8 (previously called the Metro interface) has been designed for phones, touch screens and tablets, but will now also work with a keyboard and mouse.  Icons have been replaced with a mosaic of large multi-coloured tiles, which are much larger than icons.  The tiles are able to display information about the application without being opened.  For example, the tile for your email will show you how many unread emails there are, and the weather icon will show you today’s temperature, Facebook will show you news and photos without it being opened and so on.

The Start button has been removed from the bottom left.  This is rather a shock.  So things like shutting down your computer are done in a totally different way.  If you have a touch screen computer you can swipe between the open programme with your finger.  I am not sure if this will work with a mouse. 

There is a new bar called the Charm bar, which is to the right and can access Share, Settings, Search, Start and Devices.  A separate bar is located to the bottom left with information such as date and time, Wi-Fi strength and battery life.  This is much larger and more obvious than what is currently displayed on the bottom right of your taskbar.

Microsoft is have launched their own shop, or store, where you can buy applications- along the lines of what Apple have done so successfully.  You will need a Microsoft account (a bit like an Apple id) to access their backup cloud, make calendars work and I believe you can only use a Microsoft email like Windows Livemail or Outlook. 

Mrs PC’s advice is as follows.  If you are considering upgrading your computer, and are used to other operating systems, and think you are perhaps an old dog that doesn’t want to learn new tricks… replace your current computer while you can still buy Windows 7.  Do this soon before your choice becomes restricted.  Alternatively, download a free trial of Windows 8 and try it for yourself before deciding.  For anyone who has never used a computer before, it may possibly be easier to use Windows 8 as you won’t have to relearn how to do things! 

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Take a look in the next 4 days at BBC iplayer...
I was interviewed by Steve Yabsley on the Radio Bristol lunchtime show on friday.
It was all light hearted, and great fun!
Many of my students listened but wished he had let me speak a bit more!
Click below to hear the show.
Fast forward to 32 minutes.  I am on for about 15 minutes.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Another Scam: I Was Robbed!

If you receive an email message like the one shown below, ignore it. It is a scam. Tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of these messages are being sent from scam artists. Nobody was robbed and nobody is sitting without funds (and, if they were, the U.S. Embassy and Travelers' Aid and their credit card companies would help).

Here is one the many such messages I have received in recent days, complete with all typo errors intact:

I'm writing this with tears in my eyes,my family and i came down here to Seville, Spain, for a short vacation to visit a resort and got mugged at gun point last night at the park of the hotel where we lodged.All cash,credit cards and cell were stolen off me.we've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all,our flight leaves today and I'm having problems settling the hotel bills.


The hotel manager won't let us leave until i settle the hotel bills(1500GBP)now am freaked out.Please reply and let me if can you have the money wire to me through western union i promise to pay back as soon as i get back home.

I'm Freaked out at the moment.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Phone etiquette

 Hanging out with friends isn't what it was in my day!!!

 AGHHHH!  At the table?!

 At a match!

 Is this a date??

Mrs PC's views on phones and mobiles...

After a trip on the train (in the quiet coach) and feeling more than a little frustrated by people’s text alerts bleeping and their music blaring from their headphones, I felt justified in writing an article!  I am sure Debrett’s would agree with me that some thought needs to go into the use of mobile phones in public.

Here are a few pointers to the polite way to use a mobile…

·      Do not use mobiles at the table or put them on the table at mealtimes.
·      Switch to silent in restaurants and meetings and don't keep checking for texts and missed calls or reading your emails.  The people you are with deserve your full attention.
·      Finish your call before going to shops, bank and post offices so that you can give your full attention to the staff serving you.
·      Don’t use a mobile in the cinema, classroom or if you can avoid it, on public transport.
·      Don't have an annoying loud musical ring tone or excessively loud text tone.  Know how to put your phone on silent!
·      There is no need to check your phone every few minutes!
·      When in a train or other public place like a cafe where people are in close proximity, exercise discretion about the topics you discuss- they may not be to everyone’s taste!
·      Call me old fashioned, but don't call people before 9 am unless you are arranging for someone to fix an urgent problem.
·      Don't disturb people during lunch 1-2.
·      Don't call people after 9 pm unless you know them very well or there is an emergency.
·      Turn your mobile off at night.
·      Turn the power to the charger off when not using it.  It uses power whether you are using it or not.
·      If your phone is also your mp3 music player check that others can't hear your music through your headphone especially on the coach train or bus or plane. 
·      Don't text and drive.
·      Don't make calls when driving if not hands free.
·      Don't cross the road while texting, or walk along the pavement while texting.
·      Be aware of others around you and try not to disturb them. Some people's volume using a mobile negates the need for a phone.
·      Avoid shouting phrases like "I'm on the train" - the rest of the carriage knows and wishes you weren’t.
·      Don't tamper with anyone else's mobile.
·      Know your own number!
·      Don't be tempted to text at 4 am after a night out.

Mrs PC doesn’t answer her phone during lessons.  It would be rude to take up other people’s time to book other lessons.  If you can’t get hold of me, do leave a message as I always return calls once I am home, but not after 9pm of course, or during the Archers!

P.S  Debrett’s do in fact cover most of the above as I discovered by visiting the site type mobile phone into the search box.  There is also a wealth of other information.  Well worth a visit.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Congratulations to the Queen on her Diamond Jubilee.
Here are some photos from today!

Monday, 14 May 2012

After a trip on the train (in the quiet coach) and feeling more than a little frustrated by people taking phone calls, the bleeping of text alerts and music blaring through people's headphones, I wondered if teaching mobile manners would be a good extra to what I teach on a daily basis.

I am not alone, in fact there are some wonderful tips on mobile and gadget etiquette on the Debrett's website:

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Facebook.  Friend or Foe?

Most people have heard of Facebook nowadays.  It is a firm fixture of modern life for some, and for others, something that fills them with terror!  If you are one of the rare people who doesn’t know about it, the film The Social Network is very interesting- it charts how Facebook started and why.  Do watch it- I enjoyed it very much.

How does it work?

For personal users, a profile page needs to be set up, which lists information about you and helps others to contact you.  You can reveal as little or as much as you like about yourself.  Most people have a photo, their name, and location. Some people are happy to reveal their marital status, their birthday, their education or languages spoken and much more.  You can set privacy so that only the basics show up in a google search and only friends can see your personal page. This page, also known as your WALL, where you can write what you are doing, or what you plan to do, comment about things in the news, post photos and videos, and share all kinds of information.

The idea is that you gather a group of friends around you. Friends have to apply to you to be accepted before they gain access to your Wall.  Once you have some friends, you can have a look at their Walls to see what they have been up to, view their photos and send them public or private messages.  You can also chat with friends using Facebook’s instant messaging service.  You can gather information about your friends quickly by looking at the Home page of Facebook which lists all the latest activity from your friends.

What can Facebook do for you? 

You can keep in touch with a large group of friends on a daily basis, and find out what they have been doing or what their opinions are on a huge range of issues in the news or just their lives.  You can see their photos easily and share yours.
It is great fun and easy to do, and another form of communication which can take place anytime and supplements the phone and email.

What should you be wary of?

Anything that is posted on your Wall on Facebook is shared to all your friends and maybe work colleagues, and it is not a good idea to put anything too sensitive on your Wall.  Be careful about the photos you put on.  It is something that could come back an haunt you sometime.  Internet fraud is on the increase- if predators can get hold of your date of birth, photo, town of residence, and school attended as well as names of your friends, you could be targeted.  Only share basic information!  Make sure all your privacy settings are for Friends only and that you only add people who you actually know.