Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Phone etiquette

 Hanging out with friends isn't what it was in my day!!!

 AGHHHH!  At the table?!

 At a match!

 Is this a date??

Mrs PC's views on phones and mobiles...

After a trip on the train (in the quiet coach) and feeling more than a little frustrated by people’s text alerts bleeping and their music blaring from their headphones, I felt justified in writing an article!  I am sure Debrett’s would agree with me that some thought needs to go into the use of mobile phones in public.

Here are a few pointers to the polite way to use a mobile…

·      Do not use mobiles at the table or put them on the table at mealtimes.
·      Switch to silent in restaurants and meetings and don't keep checking for texts and missed calls or reading your emails.  The people you are with deserve your full attention.
·      Finish your call before going to shops, bank and post offices so that you can give your full attention to the staff serving you.
·      Don’t use a mobile in the cinema, classroom or if you can avoid it, on public transport.
·      Don't have an annoying loud musical ring tone or excessively loud text tone.  Know how to put your phone on silent!
·      There is no need to check your phone every few minutes!
·      When in a train or other public place like a cafe where people are in close proximity, exercise discretion about the topics you discuss- they may not be to everyone’s taste!
·      Call me old fashioned, but don't call people before 9 am unless you are arranging for someone to fix an urgent problem.
·      Don't disturb people during lunch 1-2.
·      Don't call people after 9 pm unless you know them very well or there is an emergency.
·      Turn your mobile off at night.
·      Turn the power to the charger off when not using it.  It uses power whether you are using it or not.
·      If your phone is also your mp3 music player check that others can't hear your music through your headphone especially on the coach train or bus or plane. 
·      Don't text and drive.
·      Don't make calls when driving if not hands free.
·      Don't cross the road while texting, or walk along the pavement while texting.
·      Be aware of others around you and try not to disturb them. Some people's volume using a mobile negates the need for a phone.
·      Avoid shouting phrases like "I'm on the train" - the rest of the carriage knows and wishes you weren’t.
·      Don't tamper with anyone else's mobile.
·      Know your own number!
·      Don't be tempted to text at 4 am after a night out.

Mrs PC doesn’t answer her phone during lessons.  It would be rude to take up other people’s time to book other lessons.  If you can’t get hold of me, do leave a message as I always return calls once I am home, but not after 9pm of course, or during the Archers!

P.S  Debrett’s do in fact cover most of the above as I discovered by visiting the site  http://debretts.com- type mobile phone into the search box.  There is also a wealth of other information.  Well worth a visit.

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